Sunday, June 22, 2008


This picture is one that Michael took this evening of the clouds near Ash Grove, MO. The top of the cumulus cloud is lit up by the sun, but this one isn't a thunderstorm yet.

He said today wasn't that great a day and seemed pretty off his normal self on the phone. The hills were steeper than they expected, they took long breaks and didn't get in as many miles as they wanted. A pack of dogs ran after them at one point and one bit Claire's shoe. She was pretty shaken up about that and it took a bit to recover.

Highlights were that he saw a scissor tail out flying around. Also, while Michael was waiting for the rest of the crew to get to a rest stop some guys drove up to get some beer. They asked Mike where he was going and he said "Oregon" and they said "no way". They asked where he was from and he said "North Carolina" and they just told him that he must be bullshitting them. Then they insisted that they shake his hand if he was really doing that. To cap it all off, as they drove away one yelled out the window: "If that doesn't get you laid, I don't know what will." Interesting...

They're hoping to get to Colorado by the fourth of July. I did some calculations for them and that meant 70 mile days from tomorrow on. Well, in Kansas maybe it won't be such a problem. The maps for Kansas (you can see them on the Adventure Cycling association link, to the left) have very straight lines with none of the curviness we've seen so far. They're hoping to get out early, so tonight was an early to bed night as well.

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