Monday, July 14, 2008

Rawlins Update

Hello from Rawlins, WY! Right now Trevor, Claire, Calum and I are in the Carbon County library trying to figure out a way to get from here to Yellowstone quickly and at a reasonable cost. Some may think that we aren't 'riding' across the country if we do that, but I don't really care because this will allow us to ride down the OR/CA coast, plus it's all part of the adventure. Rawlins isn't the place to find good public transportation, but we'll see what we can do.

I forgot to say in my post from Fort Collins that I need to send great thansk to Alice for keeping up with all of our adventures, and to her Mom and step-Dad for letting us crash at their house for a couple days. All of us appreciate the food, shelter and warm showers! A special thanks to Alice for her daily reports to the rest of the world. I know many people are watching our next move and really appreciate what you do. Thanks!


  1. ditto on the compliments to Alice and her family!

    A ride down the coast will be spectacular. Hope it works out for you. Have fun in Yellowstone ... again! Maybe with the gas crunch there won't be many RV's!

  2. Claire, I am a friend of both of your parents and an avid cyclist. I am bpth impressed and jealous of this endeavor. I appreicate the openness to experience that you are allowing on this trip. Ride on! Greig Leach
